Dog Mom

While You're Gone

Hi! I’m Melissa and let me be the dog mom you need while you’re gone! Whether you need someone to stop by your home 1-2 times a day while you work long hours, or want to have a beach day without worrying about your pet at home. Planning a trip? I’ll come by 4x a day or work with your pup’s schedule to make sure they’re happy, well taken care of and have everything they need while you’re away!


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About Me

Hi! I’m Melissa, self proclaimed “crazy dog mom” and huge animal lover. I have 2 rescue dogs, Tebow & Lulu who I adopted when they were puppies and are now 11 and 9! I have loads of experience with dogs of every shape, size, and breed. Everything from volunteering with dog rescues, to fostering, working with dog trainers, at doggy daycares, and at vets offices. I am very confident and knowledgeable and would love to be the person you can trust while you’re away or on vacation! I know how important your dog is to your family, and while you’re gone I will show them the same love and attention I show my own 4 legged family members.

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Have a long work day? Day trip to the beach or Savannah planned? Let me stop by your home to feed/letout/check on your pups!

Going on a trip? I’ll take care of your dog as if they were my own, stopping my your house multiple times a day to make sure they have everything they need and are well taken care of.


• Feeding and providing fresh water for the pet

• Taking the pet for a walk or letting them out to use the bathroom

• Playing with your pet and providing them with attention and affection

• Administering medication or other necessary treatments

• Checking the home for any signs of damage or issues

Sending picture video updates to pet parents